Introduction to Pair trading with Pairtrade Finder

Getting Started with PairTrade Finder®

Welcome! You can download the latest release version of PairTrade Finder® from our Members' Center here.  Our Members' Center and where you can find links to all of the educational materials we provide, as well as trading tools.

We have made quick "Getting Started" Tutorial videos which can be seen here:

Details of every aspect of our platform PairTrade Finder® can be found in our manual at PRO v20 User Manual July 2019 FINAL2.pdf

For options and futures data, you will need a paid subscription to IQfeed, or you will need to integrate PTF to a functioning Interactive Brokers' IBKR PRO account, as per instructions in the PTF User Manual.

To get up the speed quickly and easily to consistent pair trading profitability, we highly recommend you watch our 4-Hour, 15-Lecture Pair Trading Video Training Course here:

For monthly updates on our Top U.S. Stoc Pair Stars selections and live performance, our research library on the latest pair trading research, and for Trade of the Month videos sign up to our blog here:

Any further questions?  Just zip us an email to

Happy Trading!